
2023/24 Finance

Notice of Public Rights to inspect accounts



Accountability and Governance Report

Account summary



Fixed Assets and Long Term Investments

conclusion of audit

2022/23 Finance

Annual Governance and Accountability Return


Hayton PC 2023 EA Report Signed_1383143




Annual Accounts




Monthly Budget overviews are provided with each set of meeting papers and can be found on the agenda page of the website.

2021/22 Accounts

In compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Councils the following are published:


Exemption Certificate   ,   AGAR Complete,  Internal Audit

(Certificate of Exemption, Annual Governance and Accountability Return, and Internal Audit)

Explanation of Variances –Explanation of variances

Bank Reconciliation 31 March 2022 – Bank Rec

End of Year Accounts  –Accounts


The public have the right to inspect the Annual Accounts for 2021/22. Dates for inspection


2020/21 Accounts

In compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Councils the following are published: Exemption_Governance_Accounting_20_21  InternalAudit20_21

(Certificate of Exemption, Annual Governance Statement, Accounting Statement and Internal Audit)

Explanation of Variances – explanation_of_variances_2020_21

Bank Reconciliation 31 March 2021 – bank_reconciliation_2020-21

End of Year Accounts  –  Year End 20_21


The public have the right to inspect the Annual Accounts for 2020/21. Please see the Notice advising you of your rights and note that the period for inspection is now closed  –  Notice of Public Rights 2020_21. 

Please note below is the updated Parish Council Assets Register


2021/22 Parish Council Budget/Precept

The Parish Council  agreed on 18 November 2020 to not increase the precept for 2021/22.


Quarterly Accounts 2021/22

These are published in July, October, and January after they have been approved by the Parish Council.

1st Quarter  – QuarterlyActs_Q1April_June-2021_22

2nd Quarter Quarter to 30Sept2021

3rd Quarter Quarter to 31December2021

4th Quarter Full Year accounts




All agendas contain a schedule of payments to be authorised at that meeting, the approval of payment is recorded in each set of minutes.

Under Government Guidelines the parish council has to publish the invoices paid and indicate if they were paid within 30 days of receipt.  Normally the Schedule of Payments is also published on agenda posted on Noticeboards in the Parish and on the Website prior to meetings as part of the agenda for that meeting.


Parish Grant Application Forms and Guidelines

The Parish Council generally discusses grant applications between the months of September and January during the time that they are discussing the setting of the parish Precept. However the parish council will consider emergency funding as and when it is submitted. To apply for a grant please download the grant forms and guidelines below:

Grant Application Guidelines

Hayton PC Grant Application Form

If you are having difficulties in completing the forms or have any queries please contact the Clerk.