Historical Planning posts
Reference Click for more detail | Address | Planning application |
22/0042 | The Hayloft & The Byre, Fenton, How Mill, Brampton, CA8 9JZ | Regularization Of Previously Approved Listed Building Consent 92/0691 (Retrospective Application For Alteration & Extension To Convert Barn To 2no. Self Catering Units, Including Rebuilding Of Front Wall) For Fascias & Black PVCu Rainwater Goods On Rear Elevation, Ridge Vents, Removal Of Satellite Dish & Relocation Of TV Aerial To The Rear (LBC) |
22/0046 | The Hayloft & The Byre, Fenton, How Mill, Brampton, CA8 9JZ | Addition Of Internal Staircase; Replacement Of Arched Wooden Garage Doors With Bespoke Glazed Timber Door; Works To Convert Existing Integral Workshop And Garage Into Living Accommodation; Creation Of 2no. Internal Door Openings (LBC) |
21/1131 | Chapel House Farm Caravan Park, Chapel House Caravan Park, Talkin, CA8 1LP | Variation Of Condition 6 Of Previously Approved Application 81/0590 To Allow The Caravan Site To Open For 11 Months Instead Of 8 Months Per Year |
22/0018 | Springwell Farm, Talkin, CA8 1LB | Variation Of Condition 13 (Visibility Splays) Of Previously Approved Permission 20/0864 (Erection Of Replacement Dwelling) To Change Required Visibility Splay From 2.4m x 160m To 2.4m x 56m |
21/1169 | Lane End Inn, Hayton Lane End, Hayton, Brampton, CA8 9JB | Proposed Re-Modelling Of Inn Including A “Winter Garden” Extension With Retractable Roof; Indoor/Outdoor Play Areas; Porch; Entrance Canopy; Car Park And Associated Infrastructure |
21/1135 | Nook Cottage, Hayton, Brampton, CA8 9JA | Erection Of Single Storey Front & Side Extension To Provide Garden Room & En-Suite |
21/1106 | Cedar Barn, Edmond Castle, Corby Hill, Carlisle, CA4 8QD | Change Of Use From Agricultural Store & Bothy To 1no. Dwelling; Erection Of Balcony & Sunroom; Insertion Of 2no. Dormer Windows; Associated Alterations |
21/1107 | Corby Hill Methodist Chapel, Corby Hill, Carlisle, CA4 8PJ | Part Demolition And Change Of Use Of Former Chapel To 1no. Dwelling |
21/1083 | Noble Garth, Hayton, Brampton, CA8 9HR | Removal Of Condition 7 (Residential/Non Commercial Restriction) Of Previously Approved Permission 90/0011 (Conversion Of Redundant Barns To 2no. Dwellings) To Allow Short Term Letting For Noble Garth |
21/0824 | Byegill Farm, Corby Hill, Carlisle, CA4 8QB | Erection Of 1no. Dwelling (In Lieu Of Residential Unit Permitted Under Application 19/0008/COU) |
21/0968 | High View, Hayton, Brampton, CA8 9HT | Variation Of Condition 2 (Approved Documents) Of Previously Approved Application 21/0446 (Demolition Of Existing Conservatory; Erection Of Single Storey Side And Rear Extensions To Provide Extended Kitchen And Bedroom/Office Together With Internal And External Alterations) To Carry Out The Alterations In Phases |
21/0957 | Greenholme Lodge Barns, Corby Hill, Carlisle, CA4 8QB | Variation Of Conditions 2 (Approved Documents); 3 (Surface Water Drainage) & 5 (Highway Surface Water Discharge) Of Previously Approved Permission 16/1061 (Development Of 8no. Dwellings) To Amend The Design, Layout & Proposed Method Of Foul & Surface Water Drainage |
21/0935 | Land to the west of Fenton Gate Barn, Hayton, Brampton, CA8 9HR | Erection Of 1no. Dwelling |
21/0923 | Land Opposite The Dell, Talkin, Brampton, CA8 1LE | Repositioning Of Plot 1 And Change Of Use Of Land To Extend Domestic Curtilages Of Plots 1-4 |
21/0905 | Moss Nook, Heads Nook, Brampton, CA8 9DX | Demolition Of Barn & Erection Of Self Contained Annexe (Revised Application) |
21/0845 | 17 Little Corby Road, Little Corby, Carlisle, CA4 8QN | Demolition Of Existing Conservatory; Erection Of Single Storey Rear Extension To Provide Additional Living Accommodation (Part Retrospective) |
21/0818 | 1 Field View Cottages, Faugh, Heads Nook, Brampton, CA8 9EG | Proposed Two Storey Side Extension To Provide Lounge On Ground Floor With 1no. En-Suite Bedroom Above |
21/0017/TPO | 4 Clover Meadows, Heads Nook, CA8 9AW | Removal Of 1no. Sycamore Tree ( T13) Subject To TPO 220 |
21/0695 | Ashmere, Talkin CA8 1LU | Conversion of Existing Garage and Single Storey Extension to Create En-Suite Bedroom. |
21/0798 | Eden Bank, Little Corby Road, Little Corby, Carlisle, CA4 8QQ | Demolition Of Existing Rear Extension & Erection Of Two Storey Rear Extension To Provide Extended Kitchen/Dining Room, Utility & WC On Ground Floor With Bedroom, Bathroom & Gallery Above |
21/0694 Castle Hill, Hayton CA8 9JA. Re-roofing of Existing Single Storey Extension Involving Alterations to Roof Pitch; Installation of Conservation Style Rooflight; and Rebuilding of Chimney Stack (LBC).
21/0649 Land To The South of The Coach House, Allenwood, Heads Nook. Formation of Vehicular Access Into Field.
21/0681 Fell Hall, Townhead CA8 9JH. Removal of Conditions 3&4 of Previously Approved Permission 13/0431 (Revision to Original Planning Approvals 11/0433 & 11/0690 involving amending Estate House and Creation of 1No Eight Bed Holiday Unit in lieu of 8No Holiday Lets) Enabling the Holiday Unit to be Occupied As A Dwelling.
21/0639 Shaw House, Hayton CA4 8PZ. Demolition of Outbuilding & Erection of Detached Garage and Store.
21/0636 Greycott, Fenton Lane End, How Mill CA8 9LE. Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Docs) of Previously Approved Application 15/0682 (change of use and alterations to redundant detached garage to Provide 1No Dwelling) To Amend the Drainage Layout.
21/0515 Gelt House Farm, Corby Hill CA8 9JD. Erection of Single Storey Extension to Provide Additional Changing Room for Swimming Pool.
21/0542 Lyndon Lea, Briar Lonning, Hayton CA8 9HN. Erection of Single Storey Side Extension to Provide Sunroom; Installation of Stainless Steel Flue to North Gable to Serve Wood Burning Stove; Creation of Patio Deck.
21/0449 Land At Stonehouse Farm, Hayton CA8 9JE. Demolition of Barns. Erection of 9No Dwellings and Associated Infrastructure.
21/0452 Highriggs, Faugh CA8 9EA. Siting of 2No Portable Holiday Lodges.
21/0446 High View, Hayton CA8 9HT. Demolition of Existing Conservatory. Erection of Single Storey Side and Rear Extension to Proivide Extended Kitchen and Bedroom/Office Together With Internal and External Alterations.
21/0426 How Farm, How CA8 9JY. Two Storey Gable Extension To Provide Additional Living Accommodation on Ground Floor With 1No Bedroom Above.
21/0378 1 Field View Cottages, Faugh CA8 9EG. Raising of Roof Height to Facilitate Loft Conversion and Rear Dormer.
21/0374 and 21/0375 (LBC) Castle Hill, Hayton CA8 9JA. Change of Use of Redundant Agricultural Barn to Provide 1No Dwelling and Extension to Accommodation to Adjoining Gin Case; Construction of New Entrance and 4No Car Parking Spaces to Rear Within Existing Garden Area to Service New Dwelling and Gin Case.
20/0826 L/A the Green, Talkin CA8 1LT. Erection of 1No Building.
20/0845 Land North East of Ash View, Heads Nook. Siting of 4No Glamping Pods Including Decking, Paths, Extended Parking and Service Hut. Amended Details/Further Details.
20/0101 L/A Willowdale Farm, Fenton, How Mill CA8 99LZ. Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Documents) of Previously Approved Application 18/0695 (Erection of 2No Detached Dwelling) to Amend the Details to Plot 1.
20/0845 Land NE Ash View, Heads Nook CA8 9AY. Siting of 5No Glamping Pods Including Decking, Paths, Extended Parking Area, Service Hut, and Central Area with Fire Pit and BBQ.
20/0777 Broomhill, Heads Nook CA8 9BS. Erection of Replacement Dwelling.
1/20/9004 (Cumbria County Council – Planning Authority) – Esk Quarry, Faugh CA8 9EG. Aggregate Recycling of Inert Waste To Produce Non-Waste Aggregate Products.
19/0748 – Land North of Hurley Road and East of Little Corby Road. Erection of 45 (No) Dwellings (Outline)
Whilst the Parish Council Meetings were cancelled due to Coronavirus Lockdown – the following observations were submitted to the Planning Authority (Cumbria County Council) by the Clerk/RFO using delegated powers (in consultation with the Planning Working Group):
1/20/9004 – Esk Quarry, Faugh CA8 9EG . Aggregate Recycling of Inert Waste To Produce Non-Waste Aggregate Products – submitted a letter stating no observations but serious concerns about the capacity of the local roads – see attached 1_20_9004_v2.
DECIDED Applications (05)
20/0595 Highrigg, Faugh CA8 9EA. Erection of 3No Holiday Lodges; (Change of Use of P\art of Dwelling to 2No Holiday Cottages (Retrospective).