About Us
The Parish Council
Hayton Parish Council is a locally elected body of 12 councillors who make decisions on the management and use of various assets owned and/or controlled by the Parish Council. They ensure that money allocated for local use through taxation is efficiently spent in the interests of the parish. The council is the lowest tier of local government and is often called ‘grassroots government’.
The Parish Council can also act as a voice for the community by helping to channel any community concern regarding major developments or other issues to the correct authorities and often works alongside community groups. The council meets nine times per year. Councillors also represent the Parish Council on various outside bodies and local community groups.
The Parish Councillors
Parish Councillors are elected, unpaid volunteers. Councillors are elected for a 4-year term of office to serve and administer for the needs of residents of the parish. In the event of a vacancy occurring, a new councillor is elected or co-opted until the next full elections.
The Parish Councillors determine and set policies to cater for the social, cultural welfare and environmental needs of the residents. They employ a Clerk to the Council to implement policy decisions. All councillors adhere to the Council Code of Conduct and complete a Register of Interests. Being a parish councillor is not only a rewarding and educational pastime; it is a good introduction to local government.
An active and forward thinking council which represents and serves the local community, Hayton Parish Council aims to respond to the needs and aspirations of the local communities it represents and to carry out work which benefits the parish and its residents. It is also active in addressing local issues, dealing with problems and generally ‘getting things done’!
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